* Add new Model
1. controller generate
[example] $ rails g controller Users new
2. model generate
[example] $ rails g model User name:string email:string
3. Databse migration
[example] $ rake db:migrate
4. Model setting
[Where] $ vi app/models/user.rb
If you access to model's page(for example, http://localhost:3000/users/1), You must see this page.
This page is seen when a model is not RESTful Architecture.
So, You must make model to RESTful Architecture. Follow next step.
5. Add resource in router.rb
- Make model to RESTful Architecture
[example] $ vi config/routes.rb
resources :users
If you re-access to model's page(upon URL), You see this page now.
This page is seen when a controller is not existed.
So, You must add actions which you need in controller.
6. Add action in controller & view
[example] $ vi app/controller/user_controller.rb
[example] $ vi app/views/user/show.html.erb
* Strong parameters
- In create method(of RESTful Architecture), It is not good at using parameter which is sent by users.
[example] @user = User.new(params[:user])
- It occurs security problem(like SQL injection or access not allowed attribute in database)
- So, Rails gives you "strong parameter". You can choose use some attribues or not.
[example] @user = User.new(params.require(:user).
permit(:name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation)
- This action is used another methods, so to create method for strong parameters.
det user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation)